Referenties van Onderzoek & Advies
In de wereld van constante verandering en innovatie vereist het navigeren van organisatorische transformatie zowel expertise als wendbaarheid. Met mijn bedrijf Innovative Dutch begrijp ik de uitdagingen uit de eerste hand. Met jarenlange ervaring als consultant en interim-leider heb ik de impact van dynamisch leiderschap op het stimuleren van betekenisvolle verandering gezien.
In deze ruimte bied ik op maat gemaakte oplossingen die zijn ontworpen om aan de unieke behoeften van zowel hogeronderwijsinstellingen als zakelijke entiteiten te voldoen. Van het sturen van organisaties door overgangsperioden tot het bieden van strategische begeleiding voor langetermijnsucces, mijn aanpak is gebaseerd op praktische resultaten.
Ontdek het scala aan interim-diensten en consultancy-aanbiedingen die zijn ontworpen om uw organisatie te versterken. Of het nu gaat om het opvullen van tijdelijke leiderschapslacunes of het bieden van strategische inzichten, ik ben hier om uw reis naar duurzame groei en innovatie te ondersteunen. Laten we samenwerken om uitdagingen om te zetten in kansen en de weg vrij te maken voor een betere toekomst.
Driving Innovation at Stora Enso’s Reconnect Conference
- Conference Details:
- Approximately 260 management-level participants physically attending in Stockholm.
- Conference streamed to other employees globally.
- Customization Requests:
- Combination of the main structure of the Innovation Management Game and elements from the Entrepreneurship Game for added fun and engagement.
- Redevelopment of the game for two rounds with customized metrics and scores.
- Creation of an offline experience with a small online aspect for final decision submissions.
- Development of a completely online, self-explanatory version for remote participants.
- Dedicated URL/server for the game to ensure smooth running and corporate branding.
- Planning and Preparation:
- Involvement of someone from Stora Enso with access to information on corporate innovation processes in game creation.
- Live testing of the final version to ensure functionality.
Innovation Management Game at Bayes Business School
Business Ecosystems Game at TU/e Eindhoven
Open Innovation Mastery at TU Eindhoven – A Decade of Excellence
- Strengthening Foundations (Weeks 1-4):
- Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of closed and open innovation models.
- Emphasizing the pivotal role of the business model in connecting internal and external innovation.
- Opening Up to Innovation (Weeks 5-8):
- Exploring the outside-in perspective, involving collaborative modes like M&As, alliances, and CVC.
- Understanding the crucial role of engaging customers through crowd-sourcing and co-creation.
- Broadening Perspectives (Weeks 9-12):
- Discussing open innovation from the lens of small and medium-sized enterprises.
- Unpacking the roles of inter-firm networks and business ecosystems in the research, development, and commercialization phases.
- Differentiate between closed and open innovation models.
- Recognize the significance of the business model and components of an open innovation business model.
- Identify modes facilitating the outside-in and inside-out perspectives.
- Interpret the role of lead users, crowd-sourcing, and co-creation.
- Apply open innovation concepts to real-life situations, including the Open Innovation Management Game.
Innovation Management Game at Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Business Model Game & Innovation Management Game at the University of Luxembourg
Gamifying Open Innovation – A Dynamic Workshop for the Province of North Brabant & Baden Wurttemberg
Inspiring Innovation at Kimberly-Clark through Customized Simulation
- Takeaways and Objectives:
- Concrete takeaways for Country Managers post-game session.
- Emphasis on innovation as a social process.
- Understanding market dynamics, identifying unmet needs, and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset.
- Active participation in the innovation cycle, strong communication, and integration into strategic planning processes.
- Understanding KCC's Innovation Process:
- Insight into KCC's Innovation Management Framework, a stage-gate model.
- Measures of success for various stages within the innovation process.
- High-Priority Innovation Topics:
- Selection of key innovation topics for the session: Marketing/Branding Innovation, Ideation, Open Innovation, Business Model Innovation.
- Special Terminology:
- Introduction to special KCC terminology, including IMF (Innovation Management Framework), SBP (Strategic Business Plan), ABP (Annual Business Plan), IBP (Integrated Business Plan).
- Challenges and Goals:
- Understanding the challenges faced by KCC in the innovation process, including maintaining business attractiveness and achieving growth.