Interim & Consultancy voor Hoger Onderwijs en Corporate Innovation.

In de wereld van voortdurende verandering en innovatie is het navigeren door organisatorische transformatie zowel een kwestie van expertise als van behendigheid. Met mijn bedrijf Innovative Dutch begrijp ik deze uitdagingen uit de eerste hand. Met jarenlange ervaring als consultant en interim leider heb ik de impact van dynamisch leiderschap op het bewerkstelligen van betekenisvolle verandering gezien.

In dit domein bied ik op maat gemaakte oplossingen aan die zijn ontworpen om te voldoen aan de unieke behoeften van zowel hogeronderwijsinstellingen als bedrijven. Van het sturen van organisaties door periodes van overgang tot het bieden van strategische begeleiding voor langetermijnsucces, mijn aanpak is geworteld in praktisch inzicht en resultaten.

Ontdek het scala aan interimdiensten en consultancy-aanbiedingen die zijn ontwikkeld om uw organisatie te versterken. Of het nu gaat om het invullen van tijdelijke leiderschapstekorten of het verstrekken van strategische inzichten, ik sta klaar om uw reis naar duurzame groei en innovatie te ondersteunen. Laten we samenwerken om uitdagingen om te zetten in kansen en de weg te effenen naar een betere toekomst.


Unlocking Potential for Business Evolution

Of je nu navigeert door de complexiteit van strategieformulering, marktonderzoek, of de herstructurering van processen en organisatiestructuren, ik breng een schat aan ervaring en een arsenaal aan tools die zijn afgestemd om innovatie te stimuleren. Van het ontwikkelen van essentiële vaardigheden tot het herdefiniëren van organisatiestructuren en budgettering, ik bied uitgebreide oplossingen die je bedrijf in staat stellen niet alleen aan te passen, maar te gedijen in de steeds veranderende markt.


Shaping Futures in Academia

In het hoger onderwijs bied ik adviesdiensten aan universiteiten, hogescholen en particuliere scholen. Mijn expertise strekt zich uit over bedrijfskunde, organisatie, innovatie en ondernemerschapsstudies. Met een diepgaand begrip van zowel Nederlandse als internationale wetgeving in het hoger onderwijs, accreditatieprocessen, en een bewezen staat van dienst in curriculumontwikkeling, breng ik een holistische benadering naar de academische wereld. Van strategie en positionering tot projectmanagement en HR-ontwikkeling, ik geef instellingen de kracht om uit te blinken in het koesteren van de leiders van morgen.

Publieke Sector

Crafting Tomorrow’s Innovations Today

Voor openbare instellingen en overheidsorganen richt mijn adviesdiensten zich op het vormgeven van effectieve ecosystemen en samenwerkingsstrategieën. Ik ben gespecialiseerd in beleidsontwikkeling voor innovatie en ondernemerschap, waarbij ik trainingen en tools aanbied die zijn afgestemd op de unieke behoeften van publieke entiteiten. Door strategische agenda’s te definiëren en een cultuur van innovatie te bevorderen, is mijn doel om overheden en innovatie-agentschappen in staat te stellen om impactvolle verandering te leiden binnen hun gemeenschappen.


Gamifying Open Innovation – A Dynamic Workshop for the Province of North Brabant & Baden Wurttemberg

Client Profile: Province of North Brabant & Baden Wurttemberg In response to a compelling request from the Province of North Brabant, we eagerly accepted the opportunity to design a gamification workshop for the "Open Innovation Day" in Baden Wurttemberg. The challenge was clear: create an engaging and interactive experience for approximately 70 participants, focusing on practical aspects of open innovation. Client's Request: A Gamified Approach to Open Innovation Our esteemed client, represented by Coen, sought a dynamic workshop to infuse energy into the "Open Innovation Day" in Baden Wurttemberg scheduled for March 19, 2018. The primary aim was to complement the theoretical sessions of the day with a hands-on, gamified experience that would captivate the audience. The Open Innovation Game: Participants embarked on a journey to execute an open innovation strategy for a virtual company. Teams engaged in friendly competition, aiming to build the most valuable business in the field. The game's variables included "Open Innovation," "Creativity," "Technological Excellence," "Strategy," and "Profit." The session concluded with the announcement of the winning team. Each participant received a personalized report, and further reading suggestions were made available online for continuous learning. Client's Background and Urgency: The Province of North Brabant was entrusted with organizing the "Open Innovation" game for the prestigious "Open Innovation Day" in Baden Wurttemberg. The urgency was palpable, prompting a swift collaboration to brainstorm and align our capabilities with the client's vision. Results: A Gamified Success Story The gamification workshop left a lasting impact, infusing energy into the Open Innovation Day. Participants not only gained theoretical insights but also experienced firsthand the application of open innovation strategies in a competitive and collaborative setting. Looking Ahead: Elevating Collaborative Learning Experiences This case exemplifies our commitment to creating dynamic, gamified experiences that enhance learning and engagement. If you're seeking innovative workshops to elevate your events or training sessions, Innovation is ready to collaborate. Let's transform learning into an exciting journey together!

Transformative Entrepreneurship Game for Tilburg University, NHTV, and Avans

Client Profile: Tilburg University, NHTV, and Avans Our journey with Tilburg University (TiU), NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences, and Avans University of Applied Sciences began with a vision to revolutionize entrepreneurship education through an engaging and educational simulation game. Initiated Innovative Dutch TiU, Avans, and NHTV, this collaborative venture aimed to create a dynamic learning experience for students. Client's Request: A Groundbreaking Entrepreneurship Game Innovative Dutch expressed enthusiasm after our collaborative conversation, seeking to develop an 'Entrepreneurship Game' for TiU, NHTV, and Avans. The challenge was to design an immersive and educational game, aligning with the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship, particularly 'The Lean Startup' model by Eric Ries. Our Approach: Crafting an Immersive Learning Experience
  • Built upon the game model developed by Innovative Dutch, the game simulated a realistic environment enriched with game elements for optimal learning.
  • Grounded in 'The Lean Startup' model, the game covered pre-start, start-up, and scale-up phases of entrepreneurship.
  • Designed to cater to both HBO and WO students, adaptable to varying skill levels and academic domains.
  • Configurable to integrate seamlessly into existing modules, with optional extra modules for customization.
  • Offline assignments (plugins) added depth to the gameplay.
  • Depending on options, the game spanned 1EC-4EC.
Client Collaboration and Co-Creation:
  • A denktank (think tank) was established, providing support in content, theory, and gamification throughout the development.
  • Co-creation emphasized joint development, with feedback incorporated in both the developmental and operational phases.
      Results: A Pathway to Innovative Entrepreneurship Education The collaborative effort between Innovative Dutch, TiU, Avans, and NHTV resulted in a groundbreaking Entrepreneurship Game. This case exemplifies our commitment to pushing the boundaries of educational gaming, transforming entrepreneurship education into an immersive and dynamic experience. Looking Ahead: Revolutionizing Learning Experiences If you're seeking innovative solutions to elevate your educational programs, Innovative Dutch is ready to collaborate. Let's embark on a journey to revolutionize learning together!

      Innovation Management Game at Fontys University of Applied Sciences

      Client Profile: Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Bachelor Program) Each year, we facilitate the Innovation Management Game for over 120 students at Fontys University of Applied Sciences. To accommodate the large group, we rent a cinema for the day. After the kick-off demo and first round, three virtual rounds are played, followed by a final live session in smaller groups for an energetic and fun finale. Outcome: Immersive & Fun Group Experience Students enjoy a highly engaging learning experience that combines virtual and in-person elements, ending on a high note with the live finale.

      Implementation of the Innovation Management Game at Aalto University

      Client Profile: Aalto University (Executive MBA Program) Every year, Aalto University hosts an exchange with TU Munich's executive MBA program, bringing together 30 eMBA students from diverse nationalities for a two-week visit to Helsinki. During this period, a full day is dedicated to playing the Innovation Management Game. The day includes both regular and speed rounds, providing an engaging and fun experience facilitated by a trainer from Innovative Dutch. Outcome: High Engagement & Fun Learning Experience The students gain valuable insights into innovation management, making this game a highlight of their exchange. Looking Ahead: Continued Engagement with eMBA Students We look forward to continuing this enriching collaboration, providing an innovative learning experience year after year.

      Innovation Management Game at Warwick Business School

      Client Profile: Warwick Business School (MBA Program in Innovative Leadership) At Warwick Business School, we run the Innovation Management Game annually for over 100 students in the Innovative Leadership masters program. Given the diverse, international backgrounds of the students, we incorporate "dry rounds" and Q&A sessions to ensure full understanding before moving into live gameplay. Some sessions are hosted in-person in Birmingham, while others are conducted online. Outcome: Inclusive & Comprehensive Learning This structured approach ensures that all students, regardless of background, can engage deeply with the content.

      Establishing the ‘Lectoraat Smart Business’ at Han University of Applied Sciences

      Client Profile: Han University of Applied Sciences Our engagement with Han University of Applied Sciences involved collaborating on the establishment of the 'Lectoraat Smart Business.' The initiative was driven by the university's commitment to becoming a leading knowledge center in the region, particularly in the development of a 'Smart Region' that integrates smart technologies and new business models. Client's Request: Lectoraat Smart Business Program Development
      1. Lectoraat Smart Business Overview:
        • Aimed to contribute to the development of a 'Smart Region.'
        • Focused on innovation and entrepreneurship in smart technology.
        • Supported by Centres of Expertise, lectorates, and education.
      2. Research Levels and Methodology:
        • Research conducted at three levels: exploration, implementation, and aggregated.
        • Student-centered research focusing on operational questions.
        • Lectoraat acted as a hub for organizations with innovation queries related to smart technology.
        • Explored the role of digital technology in shaping new business models.
      3. Positioning:
        • Formally positioned under the Institute of Business and Law (IBR), supported by the Knowledge Center for Business Development & Co-Creation.
        • Aligned with the goal of contributing to the Smart Region program.
        • Thematically positioned at the intersection of digital innovation, business models, and open innovation.
      4. Objectives of Lectoraat Smart Business:
        • Professional Practice and Society:
          • Develop knowledge and tools applied by organizations.
          • Contribute to the future professional profile of students.
          • Ensure systematic evaluation of product and service quality.
        • Education and Training:
          • Equip future professionals with skills for the digital era.
          • Update curricula in line with digital innovation, business models, and open innovation.
          • Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders for aligned programming.
          • Ensure systematic evaluation of product and service quality.
        • Knowledge Development and Sharing:
          • Establish an evolving knowledge circle guided by the lector.
          • Focus on design-oriented and action-oriented research.
          • Contribute to a robust body of knowledge in business models, digital innovation, and open innovation.
          • Supervise (aspiring) PhD candidates.
          • Facilitate knowledge transfer within and outside HAN.
      Outcome: Establishment of Lectoraat Smart Business The 'Lectoraat Smart Business' successfully commenced its operations, aligning with the vision of making HAN a knowledge leader in the Smart Region initiative. The program's structure and objectives were designed to ensure active engagement with the professional sector, enhance education offerings, and contribute to the body of knowledge in the defined thematic areas. Looking Ahead: A Journey of Continuous Learning and Innovation As the 'Lectoraat Smart Business' embarks on its journey, Innovative Dutch remains committed to providing ongoing support in realizing its goals, fostering a culture of innovation, and contributing to the development of a Smart Region. We look forward to further collaboration and success in the evolving landscape of smart technologies and business innovation.

      Innovation Management Game at Athens University of Economics and Business

      Client Profile: Athens University (Masters in Marketing & Communication) Since 2022, we have run the Innovation Management Game annually for the masters program at Athens University of Economics and Business. Spread over two months, the game includes several rounds before and after a mid-course break. We kick off the game with an in-person session in Athens, followed by virtual sessions for feedback and final decision-making. Outcome: Flexible & Engaging Format Students benefit from a balanced mix of in-person engagement and virtual collaboration, making it both flexible and impactful. Looking Ahead: Strengthening Virtual Learning This hybrid approach allows us to stay connected with students, continuing to innovate on how we deliver meaningful learning experiences.
